
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Christmas 2014 Collection

Im so excited for Christmas this year!  I hope you are too:) 
{Brrr...} 20$
{Santa Trio} 20$
{Elf Shoes} 20$
{NOEL} 25$
{JOY} 20$
{JOY} 12$

{Nativity} 30$   
{JOY} 12$

1 comment:

  1. I finally trying to catch up on your cute blog... I'm not sure where November and December went at all. I wanted to tell you that Todd and I were sealed in the Logan Temple on our 2 year anniversary (12.12.14 at 12:00) Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with "wanna be's" like myself... huggies!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a CoMmEnT:) Come back soon!