I have always wanted a Sofa Table/Entry Table. I have seen so many on Pinterest so I FINALLY decided I was going to make myself one. Several Years ago I went to HANDS DOWN the best yard sale EVER! It was a yard sale inside an old cabinet shop....! I walked out with a truck load of wood and I only spent 11$ I think it was....anyway it was awesome! I bought this long cabinet door along with all the wood. It wasn't 3$ like it says but even if it was I wouldn't have cared its solid Oak. This Table is made from all things FREE that I had in my shop. So, its kinda funny I know but here is a list of what I used.,..
A cupboard door. Twin headboard legs that I cut down to size.
{this pix is upside down,,,oops:)} an old 2x2 and 2 fence slats that make up the box under the table, HEY I know its funny but guess what? I have a Sofa Table now and it was FREE people!!:)
All sanded, primed and ready for paint. I used Heirloom White spray paint. {my favorite white color} I also got it for FREE! I had some red spray paint I had bought awhile ago and never used it so my dad took it back to home depot and traded it for White:) I cut my pieces and then loaded it all up and took it to my dads house where he helped me make the box under the table and nailed it all together with his nail gun, I couldn't have done this with out my dads help. I LOVE this table! OH! I used a Q-Tip dipped in stain and a rag to age this Table. I loved this method and will use it again for sure.
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